Luminous Healing


“My 12 year old daughter was feeling anxious because of fear of being bullied at school and was struggling to make friends and approaching new people. Reema offered to help my daughter with Dalian method. The session was very soothing and comforting. Reema asked many important and meaningful questions to my daughter regarding her fears and anxiety at school. She was very gentle throughout the session and helped my daughter to connect with her own strength and confidence inside. Reema also provided tangible action steps to implement while interacting with friends, teachers and other people. With only one session, it helped my daughter to build self esteem and confidence. It was fascinating to see how one session can make permanent transformation. My daughter now has so many friends in school, she has improved her communication skills and is full of confidence.I highly recommend the Dalian Method for children and teens with Reema.”

Mamta Singh
BC, Canada

“I had a very insightful session with Reema. She is very intuitive to direct me at the right moment when I was sidetracked by my mind and reconnected with my knowing inside. I felt renewed and energetic shift in my body after the session. Reema is warm and kind healer that helped me to be open and vulnerable during the session”


"Reema’s presence, wisdom, and heart come through so strongly which has allowed me to easily let go, be vulnerable, and explore deeper areas of myself. This work is truly life-changing and I feel so fortunate to have experienced the gift of Reema’s guidance”