Luminous Healing

Corporate Self-Awareness Program

In my professional life, as a director, I manage an audit portfolio in finance and information technology (Linkedin profile). I have empowered my teams through self awareness, integrity, compassion and understanding. My objective as a leader is to become a role model to grow self awareness and empower my teams to overcome stress, conflict, and overwhelm to manifest their infinite personal and professional potential. Only through self awareness that we connect with our inner strength, trust and confidence to make conscious life choices.

This program can be used at all levels within an organization, from executives, managers to individual team members. 

If you are open-minded and ready to try out a new and multi-dimensional holistic approach, the tools and techniques offered here for self awareness and mindfulness help with;

Tools for Self Awareness

Dalian Method ​

Dalian Method uses holistic approach by using the body-mind-spirit-consciousness to bring self awareness in corporate culture. It helps to

Insights for a new way of living

Eight steps to connect with your inner stillness and silence: A Journey into Meditation
Is your mind active, producing worries and anxiety? Behind the chatter, there is silence and stillness waiting for you. It is like "coming home" to who you really are without the mind's interference. Learn easy ways to move into spaces where there is relaxation, self-acceptance, and awareness. Awareness transforms the ordinary into the awesome. Joy rules and fun is vital food for a creative mind. Explore eight steps that help connect you to your heart and your being.
In this program, I facilitate Osho active meditation techniques and methods to find a new way of living.
Active Meditation Techniques are used to quite the mind and as well as relax and heal the body. These meditations help to quickly release accumulated stress from the body and the mind, allowing the busiest minds to experience silent gaps of inner peace, naturally and with much less effort. Not only are the Active Meditations fast and effective, they are also fun to practise.
These meditations help to purify and heal the body, balance the mind and emotions. Each active meditation is created scientifically to connect with our inner peace, silence and stillness.
Contact me for further details to tailor this course structure according to your organizational needs.