Luminous Healing

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Dalian Method™ Healing Session

Here is a brief description of what you can expect in a Dalian Method healing session.

You will begin by making the list of issues that you wish to heal and transform at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels prior to coming to the session. We will then discuss together in detail your issues to set the direction for the session to focus on.


I will guide you through a body awareness exercise to identify the thoughts, emotions, fears and beliefs that are repressed in your body and energy causing physical pain, discomfort and stress. This exercise will help to gain understanding of your issues at deeper level.


Next thing through this process is to understand the key components of Dalian Method which are important to maximize the benefits from this session. I will explain these key components to help you to understand and practice it with you to prepare you for going further into this session.


In this next phase of the healing session, you will use breath, body movement and out loud verbal expression of thoughts and emotions from different areas of your body very systematically through a guided recording of Dalian method. I will help you to navigate through the session to get the clarity and understanding to see the root cause of your unconscious beliefs and fears without using your mind. The new awareness that arises through this session will make energetic shift in your body at a cellular level and will empower you to make a permanent transformation.


The next important step is to put this shift of consciousness and awareness into practice. I will guide you to create few action steps to implement in your daily life. By taking these action steps, you will enhance the integration of your new awareness. Finally, you will receive the audio recording of your session to listen to your awareness and clarity that was expressed during the session and our discussion on action steps. I will provide consistent support with post session counselling as if when required.

There are three ways to start your healing journey with Dalian Method™

I facilitate healing sessions for adults, youth and children individually or in a group workshop. With its different lengths and versions for adults, youth and children, it is easy to use and adaptable to each person individual needs.
Book a free consultation to know more about this method or check information on Dalian Method™ FAQs

Adults and Youth session

(Age 23 Years+ old)
Dalian Method can be used to heal many issues, few are noted here for adults and youth
Adult session price: $275 (3 hours)
Subsequent adult session price: $225 (2.5 hours)
Youth session price: $175 (2 hours)
Subsequent youth session price: $150 (1.5 hours)

Children Session

(7-12 years)
Child sessions can be used for following issues and many more;
Child session price: $120 (1.5 hours)